Welcome to HeartRhythmSpecialist.co.uk

This site is dedicated to people with heart rhythm (arrhythmia) problems, and explores the treatment options available to them. It has been written by Dr Dhiraj Gupta, consultant cardiologist and electrophysiologist at the Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital in the United Kingdom. Many patients  have contributed their experiences on this website, thereby making it more interactive in the process.

The idea for this site was given to Dr Gupta in 2008 by several of his patients who commented on the relative lack of information available on the internet for patients suffering from heart rhythm problems, especially atrial fibrillation. In particular,  they were concerned about the possible lack of authenticity for much of the information that was available, being unsure whether it had been written by specialist doctors. Another common theme had been ‘I wish I had known earlier that such a treatment was available for my condition, and I wouldn’t have struggled on for so long’. Dr Gupta hopes that this site goes a little way in filling that information gap, and helps people suffering from these often debilitating conditions make informed treatment choices.

We hope you will find surfing these pages useful, and please do not hesitate to drop us a line on contact@heartrhythmspecialist.co.uk  or the number below if you would like to discuss your condition.

0151 600 1251